The Fire One More Time
Once again, Southern California is burning.
I have family members in San Bernardino County who are affected by the fires; so far, they are safe yet ready to evacuate if called for. Sadly, many SoCal residents have lost their homes or face imminent threat of their communities going up in smoke.
For those affected, my thoughts, prayers, and support are with you. To those who want to help the fire victims, please give generously to the charitable organization of your choice.
I've been drowning in day-job duties, and being too steamed about the country's clock being cleaned by our government in Washington to post something coherent without involving the use of the laptop computer as a blunt instrument for demolition purposes.
However, I have nothing to worry about as far as political content goes, as our telegenic President continues to bring damage to our country in spades. His daily F-ups are becoming legion, and sometimes I wonder when will he actually get around to fulfilling his oath of office. Fortunately, I was reminded recently that I was not alone, as I joined my fellow "rightwing extremists" in peaceably assembling and petitioning the government for a redress of grievances last week. I saw and talked with people from all walks of life, from many political affiliations, many races, and many creeds - all who were tired of of willful deficit spending and even more willful tax increases during a recession. They were also of both political parties refusing to listen to the voices of the people.
I also learned how much the mainstream media and pundits on the far left hate everyday Americans who dare to disagree with the current direction the country is going, to the point that professional journalists tossed objectivity aside and resorted to vulgar epithets and shouting down fellow citizens who refused to be silent, mind-numbed drones.
I was also reminded that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance - which is why I continue to press on, offline as well as online.
In addition to the weblog, I can be found microblogging via Facebook and Twitter when I'm away from the comforts of home. A daily digest of "tweets" are now posted.
More improvements to the site presentation, as well as a hosting server move is also in the works.
To my fellow citizens whose encouragement I've received from other Internet hangouts to the Tax Day Tea Party protests, I shall continue to press on.
Thanks for your continuing support.